







Use our voice to encourage and support the competeclean choice by purchasing and displaying the competeclean logo stickers.

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Dedication.  Work.  Talent.  Achievement. Drive. Competition.  Sportsmanship.  Camaraderie.  Teamwork.  Performance.  Effort.  Respect.


Whether you are an athlete, a fan, or a sponsor, all of these words describe the intent of sport, but only two words give them meaning:


Ethics and Integrity


Doping spoils these words and the intent of sport. Without ethics and integrity, sport does not exist. It is time to speak out. It is time to use our voice.



Together, we can do something. Together, we can make a difference. Together, we can support ethics, integrity, and the intent of sport by using our voice to change the culture of doping.


One athlete


                       One team


                                       One sport at a time.


Our kids and athletes need help setting up and maintaining ethical boundaries.  Encourage and support the competeclean choice.  Success in character and life is not about winning and losing, but about the choices we make.

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